LG 55UJ6300 Review (4K UHD TV)


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LG 55UJ6300

Product Name: LG 55UJ6300

Product Description: 4K UHD TV

  • Design - 7.8/10
  • Video Quality - 8/10
  • Inputs and Ports - 8.6/10
  • OS, Apps and Features - 9/10
  • Price / Quality - 8.6/10


Total Score


  • Good price
  • Lot of menus and options
  • Standard connections


  • Basic design
  • Average image quality
  • 60Hz panel

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Today we will be making our very first TV review as this was the only major part of an home entertainment system that we still hadn’t touched upon. 4k UHD TVs are starting to mature enough as it’s already been 4-5 years since 4K has started becoming mainstream meaning that not only top tier models are worth looking upon but also lower tier models that offer enough to be future proof without breaking the bank. For this reason we decided to review a TV that belongs on the lower levels of the middle tier offering enough for those that are not crazy for the new format but also would like to get some features that this generation of technology offer without having to spend a huge amount of money.


Therefore we decided to review an LG 4K TV namely the LG 55UJ6300 and more precisely the 55″ model. For Europe we get almost the same exact model so the LG 55UJ630V review is exactly the same for both TVs.


What we get here is a very basic LG 4k TV design. Everything is made out of plastic and although it will certainly not be the center piece of you room the TV is not bad looking. Just don’t expect anything spectacular at this price range but it’s adequate enough for what it was made for. The stand is almost as wide as the TV and made out of plastic. It feels cheap but its enough to hold the TV steady. What i didn’t like was the inputs on the back. I would prefer a separate box as we get in the higher tier models since this would make easier hanging it on the wall but unfortunately not here so if you place it on the wall be sure that you will not need to change inputs on the back of the TV all the time. Nowadays we are used to have TVs almost as thin as paper but what we get here is a more than average thick design. This gets a bit worse on the bottom as this is where all the inputs are placed. Also the borders of the TV are a bit thick. It could be better but i have seen worse. In general the design is not bad but it’s nothing to brag about. And for it’s price range it’s natural not to expect anything more fancy.

Video Quality

Being a low-middle tier TV the LG UJ6300 has a very average picture quality. There are a few aspects of the TV that i would like to point out. Firstly it has a very low contrast ration and as a result it makes darker scenes show a bit washed out as black color appears more grey than actual black. When the TV is being used in more bright rooms the result is better as the light helps to reduce the effect of low contrast. The TV has no local dimming meaning that the HDR has not the same intense effect as other TVs with this feature. The peak brightness in both SDR and HDR is at best mediocre. Viewing angle is rather good at least compared to other TVs on the same price range but not good enough compared to higher priced IPS TVs.

Testing the TV at different resolutions didn’t show any visible artifacts from SDR to 1080p to 4K resolution everything looked good enough. The signal was clean with enough details. From SDR, to Full HD 1080p and 4K signals with or without HDR everything played great and with low input lag. The TV can handle 10 bit signals good enough without very visible distortions or imperfections. Color Gamut is less than average making the TV struggle to show enough of the DCI-P3 colors. The TV supports HDR10 but not Dolby Vision so you should take into consideration this if you are thinking to buy it. LG UJ6300 uses a 60Hz panel with a default backlight flickering. Most 24p content as DVD, Bluray and 4K UHD has smooth motion with only minimal judder. In general i would say that most content play without any big problems and this is very important when we are talking about a low priced TV like this.



As far as inputs is concerned what we get here is all the basics. We get 3 HDMI, 2 USB, 1 digital audio optical out, 1 Ethernet port and lastly composite inputs for video and audio in addition to the antenna input. 2 of the HDMI ports as well as 1 USB are on the side of the TV and offer a little bit easier connectivity compared to the ones on the back especially if you plan to use them all the time. The HDMI ports are HDCP 2.2 compatible and support the new UHD format with HDR but unfortunately the USB is not the latest 3.0 but rather the older 2.0 which is considerably slower in reading files and data.

OS, Apps and Features

What we get here is the basics for a LG 4K TV. It uses LG’s WebOS 3.5 offering lots of menus and options. It can be a little bit difficult in the beginning to find everything you may need but after a while it’s becoming easier to navigate. It offers all the famous applications like Netflix and youtube but you can download even more using the LG store. The remote control of the TV has a wide variety of buttons but lacks any smart features like the pointer or microphone that are offered in the higher tier LG TVs. All buttons are close together making it a bit difficult to use the navigation buttons which are made of rubber and feel low quality compared to the more expensive smart remotes. Overall it’s just adequate for it was made for.

This model comes in 43″, 49″, 55″, 60″ and 65″ variants. In the US the model is labeled as the UJ6300 while in Europe as the UJ630V. I couldn’t find any differences in the specifications so i guess both models are exactly identical with the difference being only in name.

Final Thoughts

4K has become the best new thing and i guess everyone would like to have a TV that offers the latest technologies. But the top models cost considerable money and it’s understandable that a lot of people are not capable of buying these new beasts. The LG 55UJ6300 4K TV is an average TV that supports the new UHD format with a low price making it affordable for a lot of people. It’s not a TV that will wow you with it’s quality or specifications but if you want to have a taste of the new format and it’s capabilities but without having to spend a fortune to get one of the top tier models then this is a good enough entry point.


4K looks good and HDR is adequate although not comparable to the more expensive models. It will definitely give you a taste of what UHD can offer but the lack of local dimming, wide color gamut and Dolby Vision is not allowing it to show you all it’s glory. If you don’t care to have the best of the best but would really like to have a TV that can offer you a good UHD viewing experience but also use it for gaming and local channels viewing then this is definitely for you as the price is really affordable and the quality is good enough for an overall good result across all categories.

For more reviews you can check our dedicated 4K LED LCD TV reviews list or even look at our Product Reviews Table where you can find the brand and specific product you are looking for.

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*We are a reader-supported website. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a small affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Home Media Entertainment does not accept money for reviews.*

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22 thoughts on “LG 55UJ6300 Review (4K UHD TV)”

  1. Hi, that is an awesome page you have created. It’s detailed and very well put together. You’ve made the use of photos to work really well , it wouldn’t be the same without them. Considering I’ve never been too much of a “tech” person, you managed to keep my engaged until the very last word. Wondering should I get a new TV now… thanks to you.
    Keep up the good work, you’ve just made a fun in here!

    • Thank you Boryana. If i managed to keep you interested then i guess i did something right haha. I always try to present reviews and articles not only for the home cinema fans but also for the average people that are not so much into all these home entertainment technologies. After all this website is for everyone and i want people to feel comfortable reading my reviews.

      Since as you say you never was a tech person if you ever need any help you can write in the comments and i will help you with anything you need.

  2. very fair reveiw i have the lg LG 55UH605V ,and its the worst tv for contrast,it washes every dark scene out,i will never buy a cheap lg again.

    • I agree that in this price range most TVs have mediocre contrast at best. But you have to consider to price difference between this and the higher tier models that offer much better specs. A lot of people don’t care so much while for others is really important. It really depends what you want and what is your price limit to get it. In this price it will be hard to find anything better from any brand.

  3. Hi Stratos, thank you for this concise and clear review. Your comments are fair and accurate. Appreciate the honesty about the product. The potential buyer is given a thorough overview of what it is that they are interested in.

    All the best to you,


    • Hey Brian. Thank you. I always try to give honest reviews in order to help viewers make up their minds. This is one of the fundamental principles of this website.

  4. Hi Stratos, I appreciate the information you’ve provided. It really shows me where I am on the TV spectrum (which is lower than the LG apparently, LOL). Before your review I would not have known the LG only in the middle of the pack. Thank you.

  5. We’re looking to change our TV, it’s a toss up between Samsung and LG. We don’t want to exceed our budget by purchasing the latest models but interested in the smart feature where we can access the broadband, connect the apps and watch the likes of Netflix etc.
    I like the lightweight & slimline designs of the recent models including the thin border that wraps around them. Ours looks so old hat upon close inspection to this LG.
    Our current size equates to 32”. I see that this LG TV starts their screen sizes from 43”. This will produce similarities to cinema vision in our small sitting room – ha! Sounds excellent.
    Thanks for the info – How would you say LG stands up against the likes of a comparable Samsung?

    • Hello Simon. In this price range Samsung and LG are more or less the same. The differences are very small depending on which model we are talking about of course so i would say if there are no major differences in specifications it’s mostly on personal taste as far as the design goes. I have both Samsung and LG TVs, both high end and middle to low tier like the one in the review and they are both great brands to go for. If you have the space to fit it i would definitely go for the 43″ of this model. it will really make a difference compared to the 32″ you have now, i assure you that!

      If you need any more help to decide feel free to ask me.

  6. That sure looks like a great TV and I have heard really good things about LG. We are in the market for another one as one of ours has about had it.

    Thank you for this review. I will be checking back here after we do a little more research.

    • Hey Rick. The LG is really good in this price range if you cannot afford to go with a higher budget.

      If you need any help let me know.

  7. Hi Stratos,

    Great post and review!

    Love the website. very high quality and really cool posts!

    I currently have an LG 55 inch. I am in Australia so probably different model numbers to the US and Europe. Its a 2013 smart TV and we have had no issues with it. I would definitely buy an LG again.

    Love that it is in 4K. For me I just watch and not too fussed with top of the range so will certainly come back here and get your opinion on our next buy. I see you can buy thru Amazon with LG which is great. Thanks heaps,


    • Hey Kevin. If there is anything i can help you with in the future leave a comment and i will.

      Usually same models have different codes in different continents. Confusing some times.

  8. Hi Stratos
    Great review, a potential buyer always like the honesty in product reviewing to buy the best they can affort.
    I am really a fan of latest technology, I would consider buying one as I am busy thinking of turning my home into smart tech(smart things).

    All the best.

    • The goal of this website is always to offer the viewers honest reviews meaning if there is something wrong or negative about a product will always be mentioned. This was my goal from the beginning and what i hope my viewers will appreciate in me.

    • The design is very basic and this couldn’t be different as we are talking about a budget friendly TV and not top of the line. The same goes for the contrast. If you are willing to spend more then by all means you could aim for a higher tier model but I know a lot of people that are very tight on budget but still would love to be able to enjoy the new UHD format. This TV is perfect for this kind of situation.

  9. Hi Stratos, Very well written post and informative. Have been an LG fan for ages and it was good to read all about the great features.
    Many thanks,

  10. Καλημέρα Στράτο. Ενδιαφέρομαι να αγοράσω την Sony x90j και διάβασα την ανάλυση που κάνεις για το μοντέλο αυτό καθώς και τη βαθμολογία που βάζεις στις επιμέρους ενότητες. Θέλοντας να έχω μια σαφέστερη άποψη για τον τρόπο που εξετάζεις και βαθμολογεις τα προϊόντα, έψαξα και είδα την ανάλυση σου για την LG uj6300. Αυτό το μοντέλο το έχω εδώ και 3 χρόνια περίπου και ξέρω πολύ καλά τα συν και τα πλην του. Συμφωνώ μαζί σου. Αυτό που με προβληματίζει είναι ότι βάζεις σχεδόν ίδια βαθμολογία και στα δύο μοντέλα. Sony x90j και LG uj6300. Θεωρώ ότι η βαθμολογία αφορά το κάθε μοντέλο σε σύγκριση με άλλα της ίδιας κατηγορίας, αλλά θα ήθελα να το επιβεβαιώσεις. Ευχαριστώ πολυ

    • Hello Themi. I will answer you in English so everybody can read it. What you ask about the scoring system compared to different categories of TVs is something that many have asked me before so I will try to explain as simple as possible.

      When I score a TV the final mark is always given compared to its price. When a low end model gets for example a 9/10 and a top tier unit also a 9/10 this doesn’t mean that both are the same. It is always related to its final price. When a TV costs 500 euros its performance is judged compared to this price. The same with a TV that costs 2.000 euros. So if for example a top OLED would get a 9/10 then obviously the most low end model wouldn’t get more than a 5/10 or 6/10 but this is not a fare score because you don’t pay the same.

      So two TVs should only be compared in scoring when they cost similarly or belong in the same category. Otherwise the score is determined in relation to the price it sells. Not everyone follows this way of scoring, in fact most are giving scores the other way around. But I don’t agree with this way because obviously all low tier and low to medium tier TVs would suck and this is not fare because their price is meant for consumers that don’t look so much for quality but for low cost.

      I hope my answer was clear enough. Cheers!


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